If a carpeted section of your home has fallen victim to a flood, you may have a mould problem on your hands (or more accurately, under your feet). Mold embedded in, or growing beneath your carpet could pose a potential health risk to you and your family. Exposure to mould can cause sore and scratchy throats, itchy and watery eyes, coughing, sneezing, and other respiratory ailments.

Here are some do-it-yourself methods to cleaning mould from carpeting.  These do it yourself tips need to a little common sense when you use them.  With any DIY tip, if you are not careful, you can cause more harm than good.  If your carpet is heavily moulded, it would be better to get professional advice.  The tips here are for small bits of mold that take up an inch or two of your carpet.  Anything larger should require more caution.


Staying Protected while Cleaning

Before you begin the cleanup process, and while you’re examining your carpet to see the extent of the mold growth, be sure to protect your mouth, nose, eyes, and hands. As noted above, mold can cause a number of health problems, so having a mask, goggles, and rubber gloves will help limit your exposure to it.

Work with air and sunlight

Increasing air flow in the room with the affected carpet is vital to inhibiting mould growth. Added ventilation will also reduce the smell of mildew that may be present in the room. Open all windows and doors in the room, and turn on a fan that’s pointing toward a doorway. The extra air flow will also be useful if you are going to utilize a chemical cleaning product, which are best used in well-ventilated areas.

If your carpet can be removed from the room, take it outside and hang it on a clothesline. One to two days of direct sunlight on the carpet will help kill mold spores and cause any trapped moisture to evaporate. You may need to leave the carpet in the sun for several more days if it has been soaked through to the backing.

Utilizing Baking Soda

If you can’t remove your carpet to let it dry in the sun, you can use baking soda to help eliminate moisture. Sprinkle the affected area with a liberal amount of baking soda, let it set overnight, then vacuum it up. While baking soda can be effective at removing moisture and eliminating odours, it’s only useful on minor mold problems.

Commercial Treatments

There are a number of consumer products available to help you kill mold. Most drug stores and supermarkets carry anti-mold or antifungal chemical cleaners. Read the label on such products before using, as they may damage or discolour carpeting.

You might also try renting a steam cleaner, which can give carpets a more thorough cleaning. The steam cleaning process can be effective at removing persistent mold. As with any of the other methods mentioned above, it’s important to dry the carpet quickly after cleaning.

For particularly bad cases of mold, it’s best to call in a professional cleaner, one with access to specialized machines and cleaning solutions. If your carpet is in need of a thorough cleaning, call Kleen Rite to find out how we can help.

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